Novartis Botswana division of Health and Wellness Activity in collaboration with BOA to commemorate World Sight Month of October 2022
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Novartis Botswana division of Health and Wellness Activity in collaboration with BOA to commemorate World Sight Month of October 2022

Following are the dates and areas to be covered during the commemoration: Please see below the names of the respective Optoms that will…

Community Eye care service of BOA Chairperson Optom Ln Thanuja-Naicker and Vice Secretary Optom Manish Mathur at Health & Wellness Activity organised by Lions International & Rotary Club through Lionism

Community Eye care service of BOA Chairperson Optom Ln Thanuja-Naicker and Vice Secretary Optom Manish Mathur at Health & Wellness Activity organised by Lions International & Rotary Club through Lionism

Clinical eye care services rendered by Optom Ln Manish Mathur(Gaborone LC) and DC Ln Thanuja Panicker-Naicker (Gaborone Greater LC). Reading specs sponsored by…

A successful meeting of BOA chairperson Optom Thanuja  Panicker-Naicker with Carl Zeiss and other valuable leaders- 30th August 2022

A successful meeting of BOA chairperson Optom Thanuja Panicker-Naicker with Carl Zeiss and other valuable leaders- 30th August 2022

Meeting of BOA Chairperson Optom Thanuja Panicker-Naicker with Carl Zeiss Vision, SA Representstives-Mr Jacques Geldenhuys, Carl Zeiss Lens Consultant and Ms Shingie Mukandi,…